Zoning Board of Appeals
Gregg Feigelson – Chairman
Julie Bell
Walter Popailo
Dan Doellinger
Tom Atkin
Giuseppe Cassara (alternate)
Melissa Foote – Zoning/Planning Board Secretary
Alyse D. Terhune, Esq.
The Zoning Board of Appeals consists of 5 members and 2 alternates serves the purpose of providing relief in appropriate circumstances from overly restrictive zoning provisions. If an applicant believes that the local zoning ordinance should not apply to his particular case, the applicant may seek a variance by the Zoning Board to determine whether or not a variance should be permitted.
Requirements for Submissions
Applications will not be deemed complete and will not be accepted without the submission of the following individual sets:
– 10 Copies (1 original) of application with a detailed narrative and precise measurements and locations
– 10 Copies (1 original) of site plan (most recent survey will be accepted for minor residential variances)
– 10 Copies (1 original) of the Environmental Assessment Form
– Architectural rendering or manufacturer generated information for proposed structure, i.e. pamphlet, materials (if applicable)
– 1 CD of the site plan or survey in PDF format
– Any photos that will help the board
Please Note: If all of the above requirements are not met this may result in a delay of processing the application.
Forms and Applications
Zoning Board of Appeals Application
Environmental Assessment Form
Planning Board Work Session Application
Residential Area Variance or Interpretation: $175
Commercial / Industrial Variance: $275
Use Variance: $350
Mailing List (For Public Hearings): $75 (first 25 addresses)
Each Address after 25 addresses: $1
Work Session fee: $75 for each work session (up to a half hour)